
Cells are immutable primitive in TON.

Create Cell

To create a Cell you should use a CellBuilder. Methods replicate most of the FunC' Cell Builder.

import { beginCell } from 'ton';
const cell = beginCell()
.storeUint(123123, 32)
.storeBitArray([0, 1, 0, 1])
.storeInt(-1, 1)
.storeBuffer(Buffer.from('Some string!'))

Parse Cells

const slice = cell.beginParse();
const v0 = slice.readBit();
const v1 = slice.readUint(32);
const ref = slice.readCell(); // Cell
const refSlice = slice.readRef(); // Slice

Deserialize from BOC

This parser could

const cells = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from('<serialized_boc>', 'base64'));
const cell = cells[0]; // Almost always you will have a single cell